Summary:In this article, we will mainly talk about the influence of structural parameters of screen deck on the working efficiency of vibrating screen.

In this article, we will mainly talk about the influence of structural parameters of screen deck on the working efficiency of vibrating screen.

Vibrating screen
Vibrating screen
Vibrating screen

Length And Width Of Screen Deck

Generally, the width of screen deck directly affects the production rate and the length of screen deck directly affects the screening efficiency of vibrating screen. Increase the width of screen deck can increase the effective screen area, improving the production rate. Increase the length of screen deck, the residence time of raw material on the screen deck also increases, and then the screen rate is high, so the screening efficiency is also high. But for the length, it is not the longer the better. Too long length of deck screen will reduce the working efficiency. So choosing proper length and width of screen deck can improve the screen efficiency of vibrating screen. Actually, the match of width and length of screen deck is also very important.

Shape Of Screen Mesh

Even the shape of screen shape is mainly decided by the particle size of products and the application requirements of screened products, but it still has certain influence on the screening efficiency of vibrating screen. Compared with screen mesh with other shapes, when the nominal sizes are the same, particles go through the circular screen mesh have smaller sizes. For example, the average size of particles goes through circular screen mesh is about 80%-85% of the average size of particles goes through square screen mesh. So, in order to get high screening efficiency, we should adopt different shapes of screen mesh according to different raw materials.

Structural Parameters Of Screen Deck

1. Size Of Screen Mesh And Opening Rate Of Screen Deck

When the raw material is fixed, the size of screen mesh has great influence on the working efficiency of vibrating screen. The larger the screen mesh size, the stronger the through screening ability, so the production capacity is also larger. And the size of screen mesh is mainly decided by the raw material to be screened.

The opening rate of screen deck refers to the ratio of the opening area and screen deck area (effective area coefficient). The high opening rate increases the possibility for materials to go through the screen mesh, so the production capacity is also high. Or, the capacity will be reduced. So in order to improve the working efficiency of vibrating screen, we should adopt screen deck with relatively larger effective area coefficient.

2. Material Of Screen Deck

Non-metallic screen deck, such as rubber screen deck, polyurethane woven deck, nylon screen deck etc. has properties to produce second high-frequency vibration in the working process of vibrating screen, making it difficult to block. In this case, the working efficiency of vibrating screen with non-metallic screen deck is higher than vibrating screen with metal screen deck.