Summary:Here are the last three effective ways to improve vibrating screen working efficiency.

Here are the last three effective ways to improve vibrating screen working efficiency.

Improve The Movement Mode Of Screen Deck

The movement mode of screen deck has great influence on the working efficiency of vibrating screen. And the ideal movement of screen deck is:

The amplitude of the vertical direction of screen deck feeding side should be larger than the amplitude of discharge side. This is because larger amplitude in the feeding side can make the raw materials be separated effectively. At the same time, with the effect of screen angle, the amplitude can make the redundant raw materials at the feeding side spread to the center of screen deck quickly, improving the actual use rate of screen deck.

Along the direction of screen deck length, from the feeding side, the movement speed of raw materials should decrease progressively. This is because the progressively decreased movement speed of raw material can make the material layer on the screen deck keep some certain thickness. In this case, the fine particles can pass through the screen mesh layered, which can improve the actual use area of the vibrating screen.

vibrating screen
vibrating screen working
vibrating screen

Adopt Non-Metallic Material To Make Screen Mesh

Adopt non-metallic material screen mesh can effectively improve the working efficiency of vibrating screen. This kind of screen mesh is generally made of rubber or polyurethane material. It can reduce the adhesive force between screen deck and screened raw material, making the raw material has second high-frequency vibration, which can avoid the blocking of screen mesh and improve the passing rate. There are the advantages of non-metallic screen mesh:

  • 1. Improve the screening efficiency. Compared with metallic screen mesh, it can improve the screening efficiency about 20%.
  • 2. Excellent abrasion resistance and long service life. Its average service life is 25 times than the service life of metallic screen mesh.
  • 3. Reduce the installation time and improve the operation rate. The non-metallic screen mesh has longer service life, reducing the change times of screen deck, so it can improve about 15% of the operation rate.
  • 4. Reduce the noise, improve the working condition.

Strengthen The Operation Management

Correctly operation and careful maintenance is also an effective way to improve the working efficiency of vibrating screen. In the operation process of vibrating screen, the raw materials should be fed evenly, continuously and properly. Also, we should ensure that the raw materials are evenly distributed along the width of the whole screen deck in order to get higher production capacity and screening efficiency. Besides, we should strengthen the maintenance of vibrating screen. Clean the screen deck, repair or change the broken screen deck timely to keep the vibrating screen works in good condition.