Summary:Mineral resources are the material bases for the existence and development of human being. Even in the modern society, mineral resources still plays irreplaceable role in the daily life of people.

Mineral resources are the material bases for the existence and development of human being. Even in the modern society, mineral resources still plays irreplaceable role in the daily life of people. Crushing and grinding process is a very important stage in the process of minerals, which also needs huge investment and much energy consumption. So how to improve the function of crushing and grinding equipment means a lot. In this article, we mainly talk about improvements in crushing and grinding process of minerals.

Crushing And Grinding Process Improvements

The grinding process is mainly used for mineral liberation and makes the size of particles meet the final requirements. The mineral grinding process consumes much energy but has low efficiency. the energy consumption of crushing process only takes about 8% бл 12% of the grinding process energy consumption. So improve the grinding process is the effective way to achieve high efficiency and low energy consumption and to increase the economic benefits.

More Crushing Less Grinding

The crushing of minerals is mainly achieved through the squeeze or impact force to minerals while the grinding process is mainly achieved through impact, grinding and abrasive action, so the energy utilization ratio in crushing process is much higher than grinding process. We can consider the crushing process and grinding process as a whole and after deciding the final products size, we can adopt more crushing less grinding in order to achieve the best economic benefits.

Generally, there are two methods:

  • 1. Adopt high efficient fine crushing equipment.
  • 2. Improve the crushing process. We should choose suitable crushing process according to the scale of beneficiation plant, the properties of mineral, the feeding size, the final products size and some other factors.

Adopt Stage Grinding

Stage grinding beneficiation can separate the gangue mineral out timely, which not only can reduce the beneficiation load, but also reduce the investment cost of the beneficiation process.

Popularize Fine Crushing Equipment

Since the working efficiency of grinding process in beneficiation plant is quite low, and about 85% of the total energy is consumed in the grinding stage, so we can adopt fine crushing equipment to replace the traditional grinding process to reduce the energy consumption.

Reform The Old Process

For some old beneficiation plant with large designed scale, but because of various reasons, the actual production scale is only about half of the designed scale. And with the dwindling of mineral resources, their economic benefits also reducing. So the ideal way to solve this problem is to reform the process in order to achieve energy saving. And at the same time, make sure the final products size.