Summary:Ball mill is very commonly used grinding equipment in beneficiation plant. And the grinding efficiency of ball mill directly affects the beneficiation effect. So many customers pay attention to the grinding efficiency of ball mill.
Ball mill is very commonly used grinding equipment in beneficiation plant. And the grinding efficiency of ball mill directly affects the beneficiation effect. So many customers pay attention to the grinding efficiency of ball mill. In this article, we introduce factors affect ball mill efficiency.
Factors Affect Ball Mill Efficiency
There are various factors affect ball mill efficiency, such as properties of raw material, feeding size, size and proportion of grinding balls and so on. And these factors are not mutually independent, they all have effect on each other.
Properties Of Raw Material
The mechanical properties of raw material, such as hardness, toughness and structure defect, decide the grindability of raw material and the difficulty of grinding. If the grindability is low, it means the raw material is easy to grind. Then the damage of ball mill, scale board and grinding media will be less, so will the energy consumption. On the contrary, if the grindability is high, the damage and energy consumption of ball mill will be larger. So the properties of raw material will directly affect the production rate and play most important role in the grinding process.
Feeding Size Of Raw Material
The feeding size of raw material also has great influence on the grinding efficiency of ball mill. Generally, if the feeding size of raw material is small, then the power from ball mill on raw material is also small. And the larger the feeding size, the larger the power will be. Besides, for raw material with large size fed into ball mill, if we want to grind them to required size, which will inevitably increase the workload of grinding balls. And the energy and power consumption of ball mill will also increase.